Up to 1 Million Motorists to Receive Free NETS Motoring Cards

Trending 1 month ago

The Network for Electronic Transfers (NETS), Singapore’s costs services group, has announced a giveaway of up to 1 cardinal complimentary NETS Motoring Cards.

This inaugural coincides pinch nan ongoing installation of On-Board Units successful vehicles crossed nan city.

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) will administer nan free cards to conveyance owners who instal nan caller On-Board Units.

The NETS Motoring Card, a stored worth paper compatible pinch nan caller On-Board Units, facilitates Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) payments and is nan only 1 that is accepted astatine each carparks successful Singapore.

For carparks that person not yet upgraded to a afloat Electronic Parking System, nan paper tin beryllium utilized for manual tap-and-hold introduction and exit.

Motorists tin apical up their NETS Motoring Cards utilizing nan NETS App aliases manually astatine complete 3,800 top-up machines, NETS Customer Service Centre, slope ATMs, and convenience stores.

The NETS Auto Top-up work is besides disposable to guarantee nan paper is automatically replenished whenever its equilibrium is low, reducing nan consequence of insufficient funds.

Additionally, motorists are encouraged to usage vCashCard, a cardless ERP costs service, to debar missing payments erstwhile their NETS Motoring Card runs retired of value.

Those who installed their units earlier 1 May 2024 will person their cards by message starting mid-June. Installations completed betwixt 1 May and 30 June 2024 will person cards mailed wrong 5 weeks.

For installations from 1 July onwards, cards will beryllium handed retired astatine nan installation point. Motorists tin interaction LTA Call Assist Service astatine 6377 2255 for immoderate queries.

Featured image credit: Edited from Freepik

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