Easton-Controlled Skilled Funded Trader Suspends Prop Trading Operations

Trending 3 months ago
Skilled Funded Trader

Skilled Funded Trader, a prop trading institution controlled by Easton Consulting Technologies, “has temporarily ceased each operations, including caller purchases, effective immediately.” The operators of nan level are now displaying a work termination connection connected its website.

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“Over nan coming week, we will travel up pinch specifics regarding each of your individual circumstances arsenic we research alternatives to resume operations,” nan connection connected nan website noted.

The work termination came astatine nan aforesaid clip The Funded Trader, different portfolio patient of Easton Consulting Technologies, “paused each operations.” The administrator of nan charismatic Discord server of Skilled Funded Traders highlighted that Easton is not clarifying thing connected nan situation.

“We person been waiting to get explanation connected what’s going to happen, but person been near successful nan acheronian pinch complete power soundlessness and not had immoderate responses from nan operations partner Easton,” nan prop trading firm’s administrator Riz Iqbal, who goes by nan societal media personification WordsofRizdom, noted.

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“As of nan 15th of March I officially was nary longer an proprietor of SFT, I gave up my shares to Easton for nary financial summation and nan logic this wasn’t announced was because I was still trying to find solutions for nan traders and proactively help. Also arsenic portion of nan statement I was stuck for 60 days aft nan statement was signed.”

The Truth About Skilled Funded Traders (SFT)https://t.co/B9h5E3WbM2

— Riz Iqbal (@Wordsof_Rizdom) March 28, 2024

Will nan Customers Be Compensated?

Similar to The Funded Trader, dozens of customers of Skilled Funded Trader besides took to societal media, particularly Trustpilot, to station complaints, including payout denials and moreover trading conditions. The prop trading patient besides acknowledged nan issues it was facing pinch nan migration to platforms for illustration cTrader and DXtrade.

“This past period we were led to judge that a imaginable acquisition/buyout would beryllium imaginable to alleviate circumstances. This turned retired to not beryllium existent and we were misled nan full time,” Iqbal added.

Skilled Funded Trader, a prop trading institution controlled by Easton Consulting Technologies, “has temporarily ceased each operations, including caller purchases, effective immediately.” The operators of nan level are now displaying a work termination connection connected its website.

“Over nan coming week, we will travel up pinch specifics regarding each of your individual circumstances arsenic we research alternatives to resume operations,” nan connection connected nan website noted.

Dedicated Forex unreality solutions pinch unchangeable and accelerated cross-border connections tin of high-demand scenarios. Alibaba Cloud helps Forex traders to run securely and globally. Click to cognize more!

The work termination came astatine nan aforesaid clip The Funded Trader, different portfolio patient of Easton Consulting Technologies, “paused each operations.” The administrator of nan charismatic Discord server of Skilled Funded Traders highlighted that Easton is not clarifying thing connected nan situation.

“We person been waiting to get explanation connected what’s going to happen, but person been near successful nan acheronian pinch complete power soundlessness and not had immoderate responses from nan operations partner Easton,” nan prop trading firm’s administrator Riz Iqbal, who goes by nan societal media personification WordsofRizdom, noted.

Keep Reading

“As of nan 15th of March I officially was nary longer an proprietor of SFT, I gave up my shares to Easton for nary financial summation and nan logic this wasn’t announced was because I was still trying to find solutions for nan traders and proactively help. Also arsenic portion of nan statement I was stuck for 60 days aft nan statement was signed.”

The Truth About Skilled Funded Traders (SFT)https://t.co/B9h5E3WbM2

— Riz Iqbal (@Wordsof_Rizdom) March 28, 2024

Will nan Customers Be Compensated?

Similar to The Funded Trader, dozens of customers of Skilled Funded Trader besides took to societal media, particularly Trustpilot, to station complaints, including payout denials and moreover trading conditions. The prop trading patient besides acknowledged nan issues it was facing pinch nan migration to platforms for illustration cTrader and DXtrade.

“This past period we were led to judge that a imaginable acquisition/buyout would beryllium imaginable to alleviate circumstances. This turned retired to not beryllium existent and we were misled nan full time,” Iqbal added.

The station Easton-Controlled Skilled Funded Trader Suspends Prop Trading Operations first appeared connected Investorempires.com.

Source Investment