Six More International E-wallets Accepted Through Alipay+

Trending 5 months ago

Alipay+ has expanded its integer costs offerings successful Singapore by integrating six further world e-wallets, expanding nan full to twelve.

This description allows visitors and residents alike to usage e-wallets specified arsenic Hipay from Mongolia, MPay from Macao SAR, MyPB by Public Bank from Malaysia, Toss Pay and Naver Pay from South Korea, and Tinaba from Italy, alongside existing options including AlipayHK, GCash, Kakao Pay, Touch n’ Go eWallet, TrueMoney, and others.

This inaugural is portion of Alipay+’s broader strategy to facilitate cross-border payments and heighten nan integer costs scenery successful Singapore.

Singapore’s Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) is among nan first to judge these 12 world e-wallets crossed its attractions and stores, aiming to supply a much seamless and convenient costs acquisition for visitors.

Alipay+’s description successful Singapore besides includes wider merchant acceptance done SGQR, a unified QR codification costs system, which supports payments crossed various sectors including taxis, dining, retail, and attractions.

This move is intended to boost section businesses by enabling them to cater to world visitors done their preferred costs methods.

Dr. Cherry Huang

Dr. Cherry Huang

Dr Cherry Huang, General Manager of Alipay+ Offline Merchant Services, Ant International said,

“To thief businesses successful Singapore, large and small, to use from nan maturation successful tourism successful 2024 and beyond, we’re focused connected strengthening our Alipay+ ecosystem locally, by bringing successful much users via our costs partners and expanding our merchant sum done adjacent collaborations pinch our section partners and our integration pinch SGQR.

We look guardant to bringing much invention to our partners and heighten nan integer recreation acquisition for tourists.”

Chang Chee Pey

Chang Chee Pey

Chang Chee Pey, Senior Vice President and Chief Experience Officer, RWS said,

“With accrued flights and visa-free recreation to Singapore soon, we want to make it moreover much convenient for Chinese visitors to bask Resorts World Sentosa and our highly celebrated attractions specified arsenic S.E.A. Aquarium, Universal Studious Singapore, breathtaking events, and Chinese eating options, galore helmed by renowned personage chefs, complete cardinal Chinese recreation periods specified arsenic Lunar New Year, Labour Day, nan Summer holidays and Golden Week.

With Alipay already wide accepted arsenic a accelerated and convenient costs mode crossed Resorts World Sentosa, this costs acquisition for Chinese visitors astatine Resorts World Sentosa will decidedly beryllium welcomed.”

Featured image: (From left) Cherry Huang, General Manager of Alipay+ Offline Merchant Services, Ant International and Chang Chee Pey, Senior Vice President and Chief Experience Officer, RWS

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