Reazon Holdings Injects Investment into Validus Vietnam

Trending 5 months ago

Validus Vietnam, a financing level for mini and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), has secured an finance from Japan’s Reazon Holdings. The sum was not disclosed.

This finance into VGrowth Development Co. Ltd., commonly known arsenic Validus Vietnam, signifies a strategical move to support SMEs successful nan region, which are often hindered by constricted entree to accepted backing sources.

Through this investment, Reazon Holdings said that it will actively support Validus Vietnam’s business growth, including support for financing procurement done its group network.

The institution added,

“Reazon Holdings has decided to put successful Validus Vietnam based connected their information of nan precocious marketplace imaginable for SME finance successful Vietnam and Validus Vietnam’s early potential, backed by its operations and lending way records successful different SEA countries.”

Validus Group is an all-in-one financing level for SMEs successful nan Southeast Asia region, pinch a beingness successful Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Featured image credit: Edited from Freepik

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