Paysend Leverages Currencycloud Partnership for Worldwide Expansion

Trending 3 months ago

London-based fintech Paysend has expanded its business pinch Currencycloud, a supplier of B2B embedded cross-border solutions, to widen its world money transportation services worldwide.

The collaboration betwixt Paysend, that specialises successful world money transfers, and Currencycloud, which facilitates business successful a multicurrency environment, will heighten nan former’s overseas speech and treasury operations.

This business will position Paysend arsenic a superior provider of cross-border monetary transactions successful various regions, including nan US, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific.

As a portion of nan agreement, Paysend will connection its customers nan expertise to usage multicurrency wallets tin of holding up to 34 different currencies wrong a azygous application.

Additionally, nan integration pinch nan Swift web will broaden Paysend’s world reach, providing users pinch much options for world payments.

The description besides targets nan remittance marketplace successful nan UK, EU, Canada, and nan USA, capitalising connected Currencycloud’s expertise successful collaborating pinch integer remittance companies.

This move intends to make world remittances much affordable, transparent, and wide available, allowing Paysend users to nonstop money to complete 180 countries done some Swift and section costs networks.

Looking ahead, Currencycloud will support Paysend successful launching caller user products and services planned for precocious 2024.

Ronnie Millar

Ronnie Millar

Ronnie Millar, CEO and co-Founder of Paysend said,

“We’ve worked pinch nan squad astatine Currencycloud for respective years now and our business keeps going from spot to strength.

I judge nan concealed to our occurrence together is that we stock a imagination for making nan world money transportation scenery simpler and much inclusive.”.

Piers Marais

Piers Marais

Piers Marais, Head of Product for Currencycloud said,

“Remittances are a captious transverse separator travel that good transcend moreover world assistance budgets.

Paysend bringing their exertion and expertise into this abstraction is simply a immense boost for nan sector, and we’re proud to beryllium connected nan maturation travel pinch them”.

Featured image credit: Edited from Freepik

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