Investree Gets US$7M Lifeline from SBI Holdings, Earmarks Majority for Salaries

Trending 5 months ago

Beleaguered Indonesian peer-to-peer (P2P) lender Investree has reportedly secured a captious US$7 cardinal rescue package from its existing investor SBI Holdings, according to DealStreetAsia.

Investree has earmarked US$4.5 cardinal of this package for worker salaries, which encompasses owed salaries, benefits, taxes, payables, and different related expenses.

An further US$1.15 cardinal is allocated for ineligible and audit fees, US$750,000 is designated for retrenchment costs, US$500,000 for in installments security and collections expenses, and US$100,000 for rent.

The request for specified a rescue package comes successful nan aftermath of nan departure of Investree’s high-profile CEO, Adrian Gunadi, pursuing allegations of misconduct.

Gunadi was alleged to person diverted funds from Investree to his individual relationship and utilized his position to make nan lending patient a guarantor for a individual company.

Kok Chuan Lim, Co-founder and a head astatine Investree Singapore, had antecedently shared that nan company’ intended to swiftly complete a major restructuring plan, which includes seeking an injection of caller equity from investors.

Lim besides announced nan severance of ties pinch PT Putra Radhika Investama, PT Radhika Persada Utama, and immoderate entities claiming affiliation pinch Investree. Gunadi is said to person ties to some PT Putra Radhika Investama and PT Radhika Persada Utama.

The backdrop to these developments includes a challenging play for Investree, marked by liquidity issues contempt securing a important Series D backing information led by Qatar’s JTA International Holdings.

The hold successful money disbursement from this information has exacerbated nan company’s financial challenges, raising concerns astir its expertise to screen operational costs and make revenue.

Moreover, Investree has faced scrutiny complete its handling of bad loans, pinch its TKB90 occurrence complaint falling importantly beneath nan manufacture average, prompting lawsuits from lenders and investigations by authorities.

The OJK’s involvement, done nan imposition of administrative sanctions and an ongoing investigation into Investree’s operations, adds a furniture of regulatory complexity to nan company’s restructuring efforts.

These probes are focused connected Investree’s gross procreation capabilities, nan allegations against its erstwhile CEO, and nan company’s affiliations pinch different firms.

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