Grab and OpenAI Team Up to Enhance User and Employee Experiences with AI

Trending 1 month ago

Southeast Asian superapp Grab and OpenAI person announced a strategical collaboration to create and instrumentality precocious AI solutions aimed astatine enhancing nan acquisition for users, partners, and employees.

The first shape of nan collaboration will target 3 cardinal areas, which are accessibility, customer support, and mapping.

Grab intends to make its services much accessible by utilising state-of-the-art matter and sound capabilities, peculiarly for visually impaired aliases aged users who whitethorn struggle pinch navigating nan app.

The collaboration will besides research AI exertion to create chatbots that tin amended understand and resoluteness personification issues much efficiently.

Additionally, OpenAI’s imagination capabilities will beryllium leveraged to heighten Grab’s mapping efforts, automating information extraction from ocular images to update GrabMaps faster and amended nan acquisition for consumers and driver-partners.

Grab besides plans to aviator ChatGPT Enterprise among prime labor to boost productivity and support nan wider usage of AI devices crossed its workforce.

Philipp Kandal

Philipp Kandal

Philipp Kandal, Chief Product Officer, Grab said,

“We’ve been a pioneer of AI take successful nan region, and judge that generative AI has a batch of imaginable to further toggle shape nan measurement we lick problems for our partners and users. We’re excited to activity pinch OpenAI arsenic a partner to thief accelerate nan exploration and usage of this exertion wrong Grab.

Our extremity pinch immoderate caller exertion has ever been to usage it to lick existent problems, astatine scale. Equipped pinch nan latest tools, we look guardant to building caller and delightful experiences for our customers while improving nan measurement that each Grabber works.”

Brad Lightcap

Brad Lightcap

Brad Lightcap, Chief Operating Officer of OpenAI added,

“We’re excited to activity pinch Grab and together research really precocious AI tin use Grab users, partners, and labor crossed Southeast Asia.”

Featured image credit: Edited from Freepik

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