Angela Toy Assumes COO Position at Golden Gate Ventures

Trending 3 months ago

Southeast Asian task superior patient Golden Gate Ventures announced nan promotion of Angela Toy to Chief Operating Officer (COO), according to TechNode Global.

Angela Toy, antecedently a Partner focused connected Portfolio Growth astatine Golden Gate Ventures, steps into nan recently created domiciled pinch a decade of exceptional work and strategical foresight astatine nan company.

Since joining arsenic nan 2nd worker successful 2011, Toy has been instrumental successful nan firm’s development, culminating successful her promotion to partner successful mid-2021.

Her assignment arsenic COO marks a continuation of her activity journey, now pinch a broader instruction to oversee operational excellence and support nan firm’s strategical description efforts.

Vinnie Lauria

Vinnie Lauria

Vinnie Lauria, Founding Partner of Golden Gate Ventures, praised Toy’s assignment saying,

“Angela’s elevation to COO is simply a testament to her outstanding contributions and strategical vision. She is ideally placed to steer nan patient done this expansive phase.”

Toy’s promotion comes astatine a clip erstwhile Golden Gate Ventures is actively extending its world footprint. The patient precocious initiated operations successful Vietnam and Saudi Arabia, tapping into nan burgeoning startup ecosystems there, and established a New York agency to facilitate fundraising efforts for its portfolio companies.

Angela Toy

Angela Toy

Reflecting connected her caller role, Toy said,

“I’m eager to research caller synergies crossed various startup ecosystems and assistance emerging ones successful leapfrogging forward.”

Since its inception successful 2011, Golden Gate Ventures has made investments successful complete 90 companies, including 9 unicorns and 2 first nationalist offerings (IPOs), nan patient has been a cardinal proponent of nurturing startup ecosystems. Its notable investments see manufacture leaders for illustration Carro, Coda Payments, and Xendit, among others.

Featured image credit: Edited from Freepik

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