Malaysia mini-mart outlet attacked after ‘Allah socks’ outcry By Reuters

Trending 3 months ago

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) – A Molotov cocktail was thrown into a Malaysian convenience shop connected Saturday, constabulary said, aft nan chain’s apical executives were charged pinch hurting belief feelings for trading socks pinch nan connection “Allah” printed connected them.

Photos of nan socks connected waste astatine a KK Supermart shop person sparked outrage connected societal media among Muslims who viewed nan relation of Allah – nan Arabic connection for God – pinch feet arsenic offensive.

Religion is simply a delicate rumor successful Malaysia, wherever mostly Muslim taste Malays relationship for two-thirds of its 34 cardinal people, pinch ample ethnic-Chinese and Indian minorities.

KK Supermart laminitis and Chairman Chai Kee Kan and his woman Loh Siew Mui, a institution director, were charged connected Tuesday pinch wounding belief feelings, on pinch 3 representatives of its supplier, authorities news agency Bernama reported. All pleaded not guilty.

On Saturday, a KK Supermart outlet successful Kuantan territory successful nan eastbound authorities of Pahang was deed by a Molotov cocktail conscionable earlier dawn, Kuantan constabulary main Wan Mohamad Zahari Wan Busu told Reuters by phone.

It was nan 2nd specified attack, aft a petrol explosive was thrown into different KK Supermart outlet successful Perak authorities connected Tuesday, Bernama reported.

Police person not yet identified a fishy successful Saturday’s onslaught but were canvassing nan area and checking close-circuit tv recordings for evidence, Wan Mohamad Zahari said.

He said constabulary judge nan onslaught was linked to nan waste of nan socks, “but we are still investigating”.

The onslaught caused immoderate storefront items to ignite, but nan occurrence was quickly extinguished by workers successful nan store, according to media reports.

KK Supermart, nan country’s second-large mini-market chain, had apologised complete nan socks, saying it viewed nan matter earnestly and had taken contiguous action to extremity their sale.

It besides sued nan supplier of nan socks, alleging sabotage and harm to its marque reputation.

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