8 Best Identity Theft Protection Services of April 2024

Trending 3 months ago

Money’s Main Takeaways:

  • Aura, IdentityForce and LifeLock connection nan astir broad protection crossed each nan companies we reviewed
  • Credit services, specified arsenic three-bureau monitoring and in installments people simulators aliases trackers, often show up only successful much costly personality theft protection plans
  • An personality theft protection work can’t forestall criminals from stealing your information, but it tin alert you to their activities and if your information has been exposed online
  • Identity theft is simply a increasing rumor successful America. According to nan Federal Trade Commission (FTC), cases of personality theft were expected to transcend 1 cardinal by nan extremity of 2023 — higher than immoderate pre-pandemic twelvemonth connected record.

Why Trust Us?

Since 2017, our squad of writers and editors has spent much than 200 hours researching personality theft protection services and nan companies that connection them. We reached retired to experts and gathered accusation from charismatic sources to accurately and reasonably measure nan companies we considered featuring connected our list.

In total, we reviewed 22 personality theft protection services based connected an study of 16 cardinal information points, including threat alerts, personality restoration packages, in installments information services and cybersecurity tools.

Read our full methodology to study more.

Our Top Picks for nan Best Identity Theft Protection

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Best Identity Theft Protection Reviews


  • All-in-one scheme pinch extended personality and in installments monitoring services
  • VPN, antivirus, password head and much for up to 50 devices
  • 24/7 US-based lawsuit managers and customer support
  • 60-day money-back guarantee connected yearly plans


  • No societal media monitoring
  • Expensive family plan
  • Lack of scheme flexibility


Plan costsStarting astatine $12 per monthTrial period14 days; 60 days connected yearly plans purchased done its websites aliases via its customer support teamThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected each plansID theft insuranceUp to $1 cardinal per big for eligible losses and feesFamily scheme availableYes, for up to 5 adults and unlimited children

Why we chose it: Aura covers each nan bases pinch 1 of nan astir complete integer protection plans that provides online and instrumentality information tools, personality theft protection and financial fraud protection.

Unlike astir of its competitors, who characteristic a scaling scheme model, Aura has conscionable a azygous scheme for individuals, couples and families. This scheme comes pinch everything nan institution has to offer, including a wide assortment of monitoring types — moreover three-bureau in installments monitoring — in installments reports and scores, respective cybersecurity devices and a robust restoration package.

Aura is besides a beardown action for ample households. Its family scheme lets users download information package connected up to 50 devices, and features much devices to show and protect your child’s information, specified arsenic parental controls and cyberbullying alerts. However, it's worthy noting that nan scheme is rather costly astatine $45/mo, and Aura offers nary cheaper replacement for families.

Paid Monthly

Paid Annually



$12/mo (billed arsenic $144)



$22/mo (billed arsenic $264)



$24/mo (billed arsenic $288)

Learn much by reference our afloat Aura review.


  • Numerous information devices for desktop and mobile devices pinch Norton 360
  • Well-established, reputable marque successful nan ID theft protection space
  • 60-day money-back guarantee pinch yearly membership
  • 24/7 unrecorded customer work support


  • No information devices connected individual plans without bundling pinch Norton 360
  • Plan rates go markedly costly aft nan first year


Plan costsStarting astatine $7.50 per monthTrial period30 days; 60 days connected yearly plansThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected nan Ultimate Plus planID theft insuranceUp to $1-3 cardinal each for lawyers and experts, individual disbursal compensation and stolen costs reimbursementFamily scheme availableYes, for 2 adults and up to 5 children

Why we chose it: When bundled pinch Norton 360, LifeLock offers nan astir robust suite of cybersecurity devices among nan personality theft protection services we considered.

By itself, LifeLock is simply a mostly complete service. Its sanction is ubiquitous successful personality theft protection abstraction and it’s backed by Norton, 1 of nan astir trusted brands successful nan cybersecurity industry. Lifelock besides comes pinch a assortment of valuable monitoring types and a reasonably bully restoration package. However, nan work genuinely shines erstwhile bundled pinch nan Norton 360 information suite.

All individual and family LifeLock plans pinch Norton 360 travel pinch nan pursuing for 5 aliases much devices (depending connected nan plan): a VPN, an ad-blocker, a password manager, instrumentality security, parental controls, unreality backup for Windows, and more. Altogether, this provides aggregate layers of protection against existing and emerging cyber threats for a mates other dollars per month.

Individual Plans

Paid Monthly

Paid Annually


$11.99/mo for nan 1st year

$7.50/mo for nan 1st year, ($89.99 upfront, renews astatine $124.99/yr)

Ultimate Plus

$34.99/mo for nan 1st year

$19.99/mo for nan 1st year, ($239.88 upfront, renews astatine $339.99/yr)

Ultimate Plus
(2 Adults)

$69.99/mo for nan 1st year

$32.99/mo for nan 1st year, ($395.88 upfront, renews astatine $679.99/yr)

Family Plans

Paid Monthly

Paid Annually


$38.99/mo for nan 1st year

$18.99/mo for nan 1st year, ($227.88 upfront, renews astatine $389.99/yr)


$59.99/mo for nan 1st year

$30.99/mo for nan 1st year, ($371.88 upfront, renews astatine $599.99/yr)

Ultimate Plus

$81.99/mo for nan 1st year

$40.99/mo for nan 1st year, ($491.88 upfront, renews astatine $819.99/yr)

Learn much by reference our afloat LifeLock review.


  • Best-in-class net and acheronian web monitoring
  • Social information number tracing and reports
  • Unlimited proposal from betterment experts
  • 100% personality betterment guarantee


  • Almost nary cybersecurity devices connected nan Identity plan
  • Customer support isn’t disposable 24/7
  • No regular money-back guarantee


Plan costsStarting astatine $8.96 per monthTrial periodNo free trialThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected nan IDX Complete planID theft insuranceUp to $1 cardinal per big for eligible losses and feesFamily Plan AvailableYes, for 2 adults and up to 5 minors

Why we chose it: Of IDX’s 3 plans, IDX Identity stands retired for its singular attraction connected protecting individual identifiable accusation online and offers nan champion worth erstwhile solely considering personality monitoring, alerts and recovery.

IDX uses a surveillance motor called CyberScan that searches for compromised individual accusation connected websites, blogs, bulletin boards, Internal Relay Chat channels and more. If your information is detected connected a criminal platform, it will instantly trigger an alert. The work besides sends an alert if it finds immoderate caller names aliases aliases associated pinch your societal information number.

On nan betterment front, customers person entree to support from a US-based squad of experts pinch extended training who are FCRA and HIPAA-certified. Victims of personality theft will besides person a betterment master assigned to them by IDX until their personality is returned to its pre-theft status. Unfortunately, this support is not disposable astir nan clock, which whitethorn origin immoderate concern.

Individual Plan

Family Plan


$9.95/mo aliases $8.96/mo billed annually ($107.52)

$19.95/mo aliases $17.96/mo billed annually ($215.52)


$12.95/mo aliases $11.66/mo billed annually ($139.92)

$25.95/mo aliases $23.36/mo billed annually ($280.32)


$32.90/mo aliases $29.61/mo billed annually ($355.32)

$64.99/mo aliases $58.49/mo billed annually ($701.88)

Learn much by reference our afloat IDX Identity Protection review.


  • Daily scans of complete 600,000 web pages to observe stolen information
  • Real-time alerts if anyone applies for in installments successful your name
  • Lock and unlock your Experian in installments record anytime
  • Free scheme pinch basal monitoring and alerts


  • Only one, costly paid scheme for individuals and families
  • Lacks cybersecurity devices and services
  • No personality ID security connected free plan


Plan costsStarting astatine $0, aliases $24.99 per period for a paid planTrial periodSeven daysThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected paid plansID theft insuranceUp to $1 cardinal personality theft security successful mislaid wages, elder care, spousal attraction and kid attraction and first ineligible consultationFamily scheme availableYes, for 2 adults and up to 10 children

Why we chose it: Experian IdentityWorks boasts extended financial protection services, including 3-bureau in installments monitoring, regular FICO® scores and easy in installments record locking.

Backed by 1 of nan 3 awesome in installments reporting agencies, it’s nary astonishment that Experian IdentityWorks offers a wide scope of in installments services alongside its precocious personality monitoring. The value of its azygous paid scheme eclipses that of regular ID theft protection plans, but it remains very competitory compared to those that besides connection in installments protection and reports.

On apical of in installments monitoring and alerts, Experian IdentityWorks customers tin besides entree in installments reports and FICO® scores from each 3 in installments bureaus connected a quarterly basis. Managing your Experian record specifically is simply a batch easier, arsenic well, pinch regular scores and easy locking of your in installments record connected nan bureau’s website and mobile app.

Learn much by reference our afloat Experian IdentityWorks review.


  • Risk Management Score measures your personality fraud risk
  • Three-bureau, location title and accounts monitoring
  • 24/7/365 US-based fraud support agents


  • Lackluster monitoring connected entry-level Value plan
  • Limited cybersecurity devices


Plan costsStarting astatine $6.67 per monthTrial period60 days connected yearly plansThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected Total and Ultra plansID theft insuranceUp to $1 cardinal for eligible losses and feesFamily scheme availableYes, for 2 adults and unlimited children

Why we chose it: Identity Guard comes pinch a elemental dashboard, safe browsing devices and consequence appraisal reports — each valuable features for seniors, who are astatine higher consequence of becoming victims of personality theft.

According to nan FTC, seniors are much trusting, person much savings and location equity built up, and are little apt to show their in installments and financial accounts. This makes them a much lucrative target for personality thieves. Identity Guard offers monitoring tailored to combat these vulnerabilities, including location title, USPS reside alteration and 401k relationship monitoring.

Unfortunately, galore of these features are locked down nan company’s much costly plans. Seniors who aren’t capable to spend them tin nevertheless opt for nan Identity Guard’s Value plan. Although barebones successful comparison to nan Total and Ultra plans, it still offers high-risk transaction alerts, acheronian web monitoring and browsing devices to support your information unafraid online.

Individual Plan

Family Plan


$8.99/mo aliases $6.67/mo billed annually ($80.04)

$14.99/mo aliases $10/mo billed annually ($120)


$19.99/mo aliases $11.99/mo billed annually ($143.88)

$29.99/mo aliases $17.99/mo billed annually ($215.88)


$29.99/mo aliases $17.99/mo billed annually ($215.88)

$39.99/mo aliases $23.99/mo billed annually ($287.88)

Learn much by reference our afloat Identity Guard review.


  • Monitor Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, and Instagram
  • $2 cardinal personality theft security connected UltraSecure+Credit plan
  • Child in installments activity monitoring connected some family plans
  • Online PC Protection and VPN for mobile


  • Expensive — $19.90/mo for its astir affordable plan


Plan costsStarting astatine $19.90 per monthTrial period30 daysThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected Ultra Secure+Credit planID theft insuranceUp to $2 cardinal out-of-pocket expenses and mislaid wages reimbursementFamily scheme availableYes, for 2 adults and unlimited children (up to 10 for in installments activity monitoring)

Why we chose it: IdentityForce reasonably-priced family plans travel pinch a number of features directed astatine protecting nan individual accusation and in installments floor plan of children.

Like seniors, children are besides astatine higher consequence of falling prey to personality theft. Because group nether 18 typically don’t person in installments reports, they are often a blank slate for fraudsters. IdentityForce’s family plans travel pinch in installments activity monitoring for up to 10 children and, successful nan arena of suspicious activity, will nonstop alerts and messages straight to nan parent(s)’ dashboard.

Children who are already progressive connected societal media aliases forums are moreover much susceptible to having their accusation stolen. To that end, IdentityForce comes pinch acheronian web, societal media and activity offender monitoring. Its plans besides characteristic cybersecurity tools, including a VPN, anti-phishing and anti-keylogging software, a individual accusation vault and a password manager.

Individual Plan

Family Plan


$19.90 monthly aliases $199.90 annually

$24.90 monthly aliases $249.90 annually


$34.90 monthly aliases $349.90 annually

$39.90 monthly aliases $399.90 annually

Learn much by reference our afloat IdentityForce review.


  • Up to $3 cardinal reimbursement for unrecovered costs
  • Access to in-house licensed backstage investigators
  • 24/7 support inquiries and emergency assistance
  • Scans and cleans up your societal media profiles


  • Individual plans only screen 3 devices
  • Expensive plans crossed nan board


Plan costsStarting astatine $14.95 per monthTrial period30 daysThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected nan 3 Bureau planID theft insuranceUp to $3 cardinal successful sum for lawyers and experts and different unrecovered costsFamily scheme availableYes, for 2 adults and unlimited children

Why we chose it: IDShield boasts nan astir thorough personality restoration process connected our database successful summation to extended monitoring services and a robust suite of cybersecurity tools.

Identity betterment tin beryllium arsenic important arsenic monitoring and alerts depending connected your business and nan likelihood that your personality ends up stolen. IDShield excels successful respective areas, but personality restoration is simply a awesome item of nan service, partially owed to its operation of licensed backstage investigators and a precocious $3 cardinal security headdress — nan highest among our listed companies.

IDShield is nary slouch erstwhile it comes to monitoring, either. Its plans travel pinch broad personality and financial protection, which see alerts for activity associated pinch your individual information, financial and societal media accounts, in installments and more. IDShield besides provides cybersecurity tools, specified arsenic a VPN, password head and malware blocker connected each of its plans.

Individual Plan

Family Plan

1 Bureau



3 Bureau



Learn much by reference our afloat IDShield review.


  • Four plans to take from, including a low-cost option
  • Reports monthly inferior payments to awesome in installments bureaus
  • Alerts erstwhile your TransUnion people changes by 10+ points
  • Global acheronian web monitoring successful much than 25 languages


  • No societal media aliases finance relationship monitoring
  • No money-back guarantee aliases free plan
  • Customer support isn’t disposable 24/7


Plan costsStarting astatine $5.94 per monthTrial periodNo free trialThree-bureau in installments monitoringYes, connected nan Secure Pro and Secure Max plansID theft insuranceUp to $1 cardinal successful stolen costs reimbursementFamily scheme availableNo, only a $25K security argumentation to screen family members connected nan Secure Max plan

Why we chose it: IdentityIQ offers 4 plans for individuals — nan largest number connected our database — which standard successful features and value reasonably, starting arsenic debased arsenic $6.99/mo and going up to $29.99/mo.

IdentityIQ is simply a robust personality theft protection work overall, pinch broad monitoring and alerts, beardown cybersecurity devices successful business pinch Bitdefender®, and $1 cardinal successful stolen costs reimbursement. However, its biggest item is nan elasticity it presents to customers. Thanks to its assortment of plans, customers tin prime 1 that targets nan circumstantial issues they are facing.

Consumers connected a tight fund whitethorn besides admit nan company’s wider scope of scheme options. The Secure scheme is only $6.99 per period ($5.94 per period pinch yearly payments) and still includes regular in installments alerts from 1 in installments agency successful summation to acheronian web and Social Security monitoring, mislaid wallet assistance and up to $1 cardinal to screen stolen funds.

Paid Monthly

Paid Annually



$5.94/mo (billed arsenic $71.30)

Secure Plus


$8.50/mo (billed arsenic $101.90)

Secure Pro


$16.99/mo (billed arsenic $203.90)

Secure Max


$25.50/mo (billed arsenic $305.90)

Learn much by reference our afloat IdentityIQ review.

Plans commencement at…

Trial Period

Three-bureau monitoring

ID Theft Insurance

Family Plan(s)



14, 60 days*

On each plans

Up to $1 cardinal (per adult)


IDX Identity


On IDX Complete

Up to $1 million


Experian Identityworks


Seven days

On paid plans

Up to $1 million


Identity Guard


60 days*

On Total and Ultra

Up to $1 million




30 days

On Ultra Secure+Credit

Up to $1-2 million




30 days

On 3-bureau plan

Up to $3 million




60 days*

On Ultimate Plus

Up to $1-3 million




On Secure Pro and Secure Max

Up to $1 million

* On yearly plans only.

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Other personality theft protection services we considered

The pursuing companies are worthy mentioning moreover if they did not make our apical list. Some of them are well-known and competent, but don’t guidelines retired successful immoderate peculiar area. Others connection robust protection plans, but person constricted scheme readiness aliases deficiency accusation astir their features.



  • Family plans screen each children nether 18
  • Dark web and vicinity predator monitoring
  • 24/7 customer work and unlimited betterment assistance
  • Data breach alerts


  • Three-bureau in installments monitoring only disposable connected astir costly plan
  • Base scheme doesn't see in installments information services

ReliaShield plans costs little connected mean for what they bring than those of competitors. For example, its family plans screen 2 adults and commencement astatine $14.99 per month, whereas comparable plans usually commencement astatine $25 per month. In summation to competitory pricing, each its plans characteristic 5 types of monitoring, information breach updates and 24/7 US-based customer and betterment services.

Why it didn’t make nan cut: ReliaShield is simply a competent personality theft protection service, but lacks nan standout features of nan companies successful our apical list. Moreover, nan institution doesn’t connection instrumentality information tools, which person go a staple offering successful nan industry.

Learn much by reference our afloat ReliaShield review.

McAfee Identity Theft Protection Standard


  • Extensive acheronian web monitoring — complete 600,000 acheronian websites
  • Parental controls pinch family plan
  • 30-day money-back guarantee


  • Lack of accusation connected in installments monitoring services
  • Only yearly plans available

McAfee is simply a well-known marque successful nan cybersecurity space, and it’s nary astonishment that nan top plus of its personality theft protection plans are online and instrumentality information tools. These see a societal media privateness tool, an online relationship cleanup tool, a VPN, malware protection and an antivirus. This is connected apical of nan company’s extended personality monitoring and alerts.

Why it didn’t make nan cut: McAfee mislaid retired to LifeLock erstwhile it came to nan wide worth of their personality theft protection plans comparative to nan number and value of nan information package they offer. We besides felt that nan deficiency of monthly costs options held McAfee backmost from a apical placement.

Learn much by reference our afloat McAfee Identity Theft Protection review.

ID Watchdog


  • One-bureau monitoring connected guidelines plan, three-bureau connected premium plan
  • Child Credit Lock for in installments fraud protection
  • Social media monitoring included pinch each plans
  • High-risk transactions and nationalist records monitoring


  • No in installments study monitoring aliases people pinch guidelines plan
  • Family scheme only allows up to 4 children

ID Watchdog checks each of nan boxes erstwhile it comes to nan essentials of personality theft protection. It comes pinch a robust toolset for combating personality theft, acquisition accusation for users and an affordable top-tier plan. The work is besides a worthwhile action for families pinch nary much than 4 children, acknowledgment to a kid in installments fastener and kid in installments and societal accounts monitoring.

Why it didn’t make nan cut: Although ID Watchdog offers wide beardown personality protection, it didn’t guidelines retired from akin products. Its plans are besides rather costly erstwhile compared to those of competitors pinch akin coverage.

Learn much by reference our afloat ID Watchdog review.

Identity Theft Protection Guide

Identity theft is much communal than ever: In 2022 alone, nan Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received fraud reports from 2.4 cardinal consumers and astir 1.1 cardinal reports of personality theft.

A speedy look astatine nan FTC’s Fraud and ID Theft Maps shows that of 2023’s 1,036,906 reports of personality theft, 416,812 were related to Credit Card fraud, while 260,734 were classified arsenic “Other Identity Theft.”

Identity theft protection services thief show your individual and financial accusation crossed nan net and notify you erstwhile they observe suspicious activity. However, they can’t forestall your accusation from being stolen and misused successful nan first place.

To protect yourself online, it’s important to cognize really to place and debar imaginable scams.

What is personality theft?

Identity theft occurs erstwhile personification steals your individual identifiable accusation (PII) for individual gain. This tin beryllium done successful respective ways, physically aliases digitally. What often follows is known arsenic personality fraud, which is erstwhile a thief uses your stolen accusation to perpetrate a crime, specified arsenic opening accounts, applying for credit, filing taxes aliases seeking aesculapian services successful your name.

How does personality theft happen?

Identity theft comes successful galore forms, and not each of them dwell of a malicious hacker connected nan different broadside of nan surface waiting for you to constitute your password.

  • Phishing: Identity thieves tin instrumentality you into sharing backstage accusation aliases downloading attachments that infect your instrumentality by utilizing emails aliases matter messages that look for illustration they’re from morganatic companies, specified arsenic banks, online stores and societal media sites.
  • Formjacking: By inserting malicious codification into morganatic website forms, hackers tin transcript your billing accusation aliases login credentials without arousing suspicion.
  • Physical archive theft: Thieves that get their hands connected your individual accusation tin usage it for each sorts of nefarious purposes, specified arsenic to perpetrate Social Security personality theft.
  • Data breaches: Cybercriminals that summation unauthorized entree to a business’s database whitethorn bargain names, dates of birth, location and email addresses, passwords, in installments cards, driver’s licenses aliases moreover SSNs.
  • AI fraud: AI exertion is capable to amplify online scams, for example, by automating credential stuffing attacks and generating highly personalized (and convincing) phishing emails. It could besides facilitate fraud done nan usage of deepfake videos and AI sound cloning.

Other kinds of personality theft

Some methods for stealing a person’s personality dwell of exploiting circumstantial types of documents, specified arsenic medical, investment, and taxation documents. A thief could besides compile respective pieces of accusation to create a clone type of you.

  • Synthetic personality theft: Cybercriminals mightiness create caller identities by combining existent individual accusation pinch clone data. For example, they whitethorn usage a existent Social Security number and a mendacious sanction to use for a loan.
  • Child personality theft: Scammers tin bargain a child’s individual accusation and usage it to wrongfully get services and benefits, aliases to perpetrate fraud. This often goes unnoticed until years later erstwhile nan affected individual tries to get a job, car security aliases a caller in installments card.
  • Medical personality theft: Your accusation could beryllium utilized to get a wellness security argumentation aliases to taxable mendacious claims to Medicare and different insurers. This whitethorn besides impact a scammer utilizing your wellness security to sojourn a expert aliases get a prescription.
  • Tax personality theft: A scammer that gets entree to your Social Security number tin usage it to record a fraudulent taxation return and cod nan refund earlier you do. Most group go alert of this type of theft erstwhile nan Internal Revenue Service (IRS) flags their taxation return arsenic a duplicate.

How does personality theft protection work?

Identity theft protection services activity connected an alert-based system. They show nan web for signs of your individual accusation popping up wherever it shouldn’t beryllium — for illustration nan acheronian web, societal media, tribunal aliases apprehension records aliases payday indebtedness applications — and nonstop you a notification via 1 aliases much channels if they find thing suspicious.

Many ID theft protection services besides characteristic in installments monitoring and machine information devices and whitethorn screen immoderate of nan costs resulting from personality fraud.

Types of personality theft protection services

Identity theft protection companies thief you show your backstage accusation crossed nan net and spot scams early on.

The astir communal features of personality protection services are:

  • Credit study monitoring: Credit monitoring useful by regularly reviewing your credit report from 1 aliases each 3 awesome credit bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — for signs of imaginable fraud and personality theft. If immoderate suspicious activity turns up successful your in installments file, you will beryllium notified via email, matter aliases telephone truthful you tin verify this information.

(If you’ve already been nan unfortunate of personality theft, and location is inaccurate accusation successful your in installments history, make judge to cheque retired our guideline to nan best in installments repair companies).

  • Identity monitoring: ID theft protection services show websites, databases and nationalist records for signs that your individual accusation is being shared aliases utilized by fraudsters. They whitethorn way your Social Security number, driver’s license, passport, location address, email, telephone number and slope accounts (e.g. checking and savings accounts).
  • Identity betterment services: Restoration services supply master assistance to thief you retrieve your personality and unafraid your accounts. This includes contacting authorities agencies, requesting a credit freeze and helping you constitute letters to creditors and indebtedness collectors.

Although you tin dispute your in installments report connected your own, hiring a institution to do truthful tin prevention you clip and effort.

  • Identity theft insurance: Also called personality fraud insurance, this covers stolen costs and out-of-pocket expenses related to recovering your personality specified arsenic ineligible fees aliases mislaid wages. Coverage often ranges from $20,000 to $1 million, but tin spell arsenic precocious arsenic $5 cardinal successful immoderate cases.
  • VPN services: A VPN creates an encrypted passageway betwixt your instrumentality and its online destination. This limits really overmuch of your information ends up online and really susceptible you are to malicious 3rd parties, particularly connected nationalist wi-fi networks.
  • Antivirus software: Antiviruses hunt your device’s strategy files, documents, programs and applications to observe and region malicious package (e.g. viruses, trojans, adware) that whitethorn beryllium search you aliases stealing your information.

If you want to cognize much astir VPNs and antivirus software, aliases would for illustration to prime 1 retired yourself, return a look astatine our best VPN services and best antivirus software pages.

How to forestall personality theft

Here are immoderate recommendations if you want to cognize how to protect your identity from theft and fraud:

1. Create beardown passwords: Avoid sequential letters and numbers for illustration “1234” aliases “abcd.” Instead, usage random sequences that see punctuation marks and letters successful some lowercase and uppercase.

2. Don’t reuse passwords: If a reused password is exposed successful a information breach, hackers tin get entree to each of nan accounts pinch nan aforesaid login credentials. Consider getting a password head if you’re having issues remembering your passwords. (For much connected this type of software, sojourn our database of nan best password managers.)

3. Request copies of your in installments study done AnnualCreditReport.com: Keep an oculus retired for caller accounts aliases indebtedness applications you don’t recognize. Make judge to cheque your monthly in installments paper bills and slope statements for unauthorized charges, arsenic well.

4. Request fraud alerts from your in installments bureaus: This way, banks and different financial institutions tin interaction you to verify your accusation earlier approving caller accounts. If you cognize how to frost your credit, you tin do truthful to forestall caller accounts from being opened successful your sanction until nan frost is lifted.

5. Protect your Internet-connected devices: You tin do this by installing an antivirus package and enabling two-step facet authentication erstwhile available, which gives your accounts an other furniture of protection.

6. Watch retired for phishing attempts: When you person an email asking for individual accusation aliases requesting you click connected a link, cheque for pronunciation and grammatical errors. You tin hover complete nan sender’s sanction to uncover nan afloat email reside and guarantee it is legitimate.

7. Avoid carrying astir your Social Security card: Don’t return your Social Security paper pinch you unless perfectly necessary. You besides don’t want to stock individual specifications for illustration SSNs, slope relationship numbers and your driver’s licence via matter message, email aliases societal media.

8. Protect your beingness information: Shred receipts, relationship statements and expired in installments and debit cards earlier throwing them out. If you're going connected vacation, make judge to spot a clasp connected your message (you tin do this online astatine USPS.com), aliases person personification prime it up connected a regular basis.

Why is it important to person personality theft protection?

Identity theft protection is becoming progressively important arsenic criminals find caller ways to bargain people's information. Because location is nary 1 type of personality theft, protection services request to beryllium multifaceted and supply broad protection features that tin intercept arsenic galore kinds of scams arsenic possible.

Freezing your in installments and doing your ain monitoring is surely imaginable — and little costly — but paying for personality theft protection whitethorn beryllium nan champion solution for those who are incapable to do truthful owed to a deficiency of clip aliases knowledge.

How to take an personality theft protection service

Choosing nan correct personality theft protection work comes down to 3 cardinal elements: alerts, monitoring, and restoration.

1. Look astatine nan alerts that each ID theft protection work will nonstop you if it suspects your personality has been stolen. Review if you request alerts for much niche cases and connected really galore devices you want to instal nan software.

2. Consider nan types of monitoring you need. Some group conscionable want basal monitoring, while others whitethorn beryllium looking for specialized services, specified arsenic societal media and finance monitoring.

3. Single retired each company’s personality restoration package. It should see features specified arsenic stolen costs reimbursement, individual disbursal compensation, and sum for lawyers successful nan arena your personality is utilized fraudulently.

Cost of personality theft protection

On average, personality theft protection costs astir $10 to $30 per period for an individual plan. ID theft protection for families is usually much expensive, but you tin find family plans starting arsenic debased arsenic $15 per month.

If you’re debating whether to salary for 1 of these services, see really costly an personality theft lawyer tin beryllium successful comparison. Identity theft lawyers costs astir $368 per hour, which is nan hourly complaint for attorneys pinch 11 to 15 years of experience, according to nan 2018 Edition of The Survey of Law Firm Economics.

Consumers astatine greater consequence of having their personality stolen should measurement nan costs of preventative measures against that of reactive measures, for illustration hiring a lawyer to thief reconstruct your identity.

Is personality theft protection worthy it?

You tin protect yourself from ID theft by practicing basal information measures, but an personality protection work tin connection immoderate bid of mind — moreover much truthful if you person an overwhelming magnitude of online and financial accounts.

ID protection services do nan dense lifting for you by looking for imaginable vulnerability of your individual accusation and spotting instances erstwhile your information mightiness person been utilized fraudulently. This makes ID theft protection particularly worthwhile for individuals who don't actively show their ain credit.

What to do if you fishy personality theft?

If you fishy that you are a unfortunate of personality theft, location are respective steps you should return immediately.

1. Analyze your situation. Have you handed retired this accusation to a family personnel aliases adjacent friend that whitethorn person utilized it accidentally?

2. Update your password and login details. This is particularly important if you usage nan aforesaid password and/or login accusation for much than 1 account, and if said account(s) could person been compromised owed to a information breach.

3. Review your in installments report. You should beryllium looking for signs of fraud, specified arsenic caller lines of in installments that you did not unfastened yourself.

Common informing signs of personality theft

Identity theft often goes undetected until it’s good underway. By familiarizing yourself pinch nan communal informing signs, you whitethorn beryllium capable to forestall it from causing important harm to your individual finances aliases credit. These informing signs include:

1. Unexpected changes to your in installments score. Your in installments people could acquisition gradual aliases abrupt dips depending connected really an personality thief uses your information.

2. Unfamiliar purchases aliases transactions successful your slope statements. Identity thieves whitethorn usage your accusation to acquisition goods, upgrade services connected existing accounts aliases unfastened caller accounts successful your name.

3. New in installments cards aliases lines of credits you did not use for. Identity thieves often usage stolen individual information to use for in installments products. The FTC’s Fraud and ID Theft Maps shows that of 2023’s 1,036,906 reports of personality theft, 416,812 were related to in installments cards.

4. Errors connected your in installments report, taxation return aliases Social Security statement. Not each errors connected these documents are nan consequence of personality theft. However, a ample number of errors and suspicious accusation could beryllium a motion of imaginable fraud.

5. Missing bills aliases emails. By utilizing a change-of-address scam, personality thieves tin reroute your bills aliases statements. Emails tin besides beryllium rerouted to different reside if a thief gains entree to your relationship settings.

How to cheque if personification is utilizing my identity

You tin return respective measures to verify if personification has stolen your identity. You should first cheque your in installments paper statements and slope relationship informing signs, specified arsenic unauthorized transactions and caller accounts nether your name.

You should besides petition a in installments study if your in installments people is behaving strangely aliases if you cannot prequalify for a indebtedness aliases use for a in installments paper erstwhile you usually could.

How to study personality theft

To report personality theft, you should commencement by filing a study pinch nan Federal Trade Commission (FTC) astatine IdentityTheft.gov aliases calling 1-877-438-4338. Once you capable retired nan FTC report, you whitethorn besides record a constabulary report, particularly if you person an thought of who whitethorn beryllium down nan crime. The documents you’ll request for this include:

  • A copy of your FTC Identity Theft Report, which helps pinch recovering your personality and shows businesses that personification stole your identity
  • A government-issued photograph ID, specified arsenic your driver’s licence aliases passport
  • Your physical reside and impervious thereof, specified arsenic a owe connection aliases inferior bill
  • Proof of personality theft (unfamiliar bills, recurrent in installments checks, notices from nan IRS, etc.)

Consumers tin besides study personality theft successful Mandarin, Tagalog, Vietnamese, French, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Portuguese, Polish and galore different languages. To do so, telephone nan FTC betwixt 9am-5pm Eastern astatine (877) 438-4338 and take nan action for your preferred language.

When it comes to phishing emails, you tin guardant them to nan Anti-Phishing Working Group astatine [email protected]. Text messages tin beryllium forwarded to SPAM (7726). Remember to study nan phishing onslaught to nan FTC astatine ftc.gov/complaint.

You tin besides return up phishing and different types of cyber crime pinch nan Internet Crime Complaint Center, aliases IC3. The IC3 is America’s cardinal hub for reporting cyber crime, which is tally by nan FBI, nan lead national agency for investigating crimes of this nature.

To forestall harm to your credit, you should besides interaction your slope and in installments paper issuer, and spot a fraud alert astatine 1 of nan 3 pursuing in installments bureaus:

Latest News connected Identity Theft Protection

  • Mortgage fraud is now connected galore people’s radars owed to nan proceedings of erstwhile Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Homebuyers are often nan perpetrators of this crime, but owe borrowers tin besides beryllium connected its receiving end.
  • Americans now permanently person nan correct to inquire for a free in installments report from each of nan awesome in installments reporting agencies each week. Although it mightiness beryllium tempting to do so, experts are recommending that consumers propulsion their study connected a monthly — not play — ground to debar unnecessary stress.
  • As concerns astir having your personality stolen surge, truthful does people’s liking successful leaving a smaller digital footprint. Everyone who uses nan net has this “footprint” — a way of information you intentionally aliases unintentionally time off online. This whitethorn represent a information threat if hackers aliases thieves are capable to entree your individual information.
  • There's been talk of criminals utilizing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) readers to bargain your in installments paper information, which is nan logic why liking successful RFID blocking wallets has increased. Nonetheless, immoderate experts opportunity these products are overhyped because nan consequence of this happening is truthful low.

ID Theft Protection FAQs

How should you respond to nan theft of your identity?



The first point you should do if your personality is stolen is to notify nan institution aliases agency that issued your stolen credentials. You should past put a frost aliases fraud alert connected your in installments and study nan theft to nan FTC.

Lastly, record a study pinch your section rule enforcement agency. During this process, you'll want to inquire for copies of your in installments reports for evaluation, cleanable up your individual accounts and inspect your slope and in installments paper statements.

Do constabulary analyse personality theft?



Many in installments study agencies and creditors promote consumers to notify nan authorities if they judge their personality has been stolen. While doing truthful is an basal measurement successful nan process, nan reality is that nan constabulary seldom analyse personality theft owed to nan quality of this type of crime.

Filing a study pinch nan authorities supports your lawsuit arsenic a unfortunate successful nan agelong run, but you should support your expectations debased erstwhile it comes to nan constabulary taking matters into their ain hands.

What is in installments monitoring?



Credit monitoring is erstwhile a institution aliases individual tracks someone's in installments history successful bid to observe immoderate suspicious activity aliases changes. These changes could beryllium reflected connected a in installments report. Credit monitoring is simply a staple work of galore personality theft protection services.

What is nan champion personality theft protection?



We recovered that nan champion personality theft protection is Aura if you’re looking for nan astir broad work plan. LifeLock by Norton is besides 1 of nan champion ID theft protection services owed to its outstanding number of information tools. If you’re looking for nan champion personality theft protection for families, immoderate of nan champion options are IdentityForce, IDShield and Aura.

Why is it important to person personality theft protection?



Having your personality stolen tin costs you thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars, destruct your in installments and ruin your financial reputation. Identity theft protection isn’t a foolproof solution, but it tin safeguard your accusation and offers valuable devices to protect you online. This allows users to intervene and moreover retrieve their personality earlier nan worst tin happen.

How We Chose nan Best Identity Theft Protection Service

The champion personality theft protection work should connection a broad assortment of personality and in installments monitoring services crossed its plans, supply a robust personality restoration package and travel pinch further cybersecurity tools.

We evaluated each provider’s monitoring and alerts services, reimbursement policies, customer work and cybersecurity package to found which companies offered nan champion personality theft protection services.

Monitoring and Alerts

We favored services that way a wide scope of items — location titles, nan acheronian web, payday loans, tribunal records, etc. — while highlighting those pinch unsocial types of monitoring. The champion personality theft monitoring services nonstop you real-time alerts via email and SMS matter messaging. To that end, nan companies we chose each person iOS and Android mobile apps.

Identity Restoration

Identity theft protection packages should ever see immoderate level of fraud insurance, which tin reimburse you for immoderate ineligible fees incurred during nan personality restoration process. Ideally, they will besides person experts who tin guideline you done nan process and interaction financial institutions and authorities agencies connected your behalf.

Cybersecurity Tools

Cybersecurity package is 1 of nan astir powerful devices to debar having your personality stolen. The integer property has made VPNs, password managers, malware detectors and antivirus indispensable devices successful nan conflict against ID theft. We favored services that see these package solutions crossed astir of their plans.

Summary of Money’s 8 Best Identity Theft Protection Services of April 2024

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